Defenders of Mirror World HQ
You enter Judge Hogg's office...
So, you want to know how things work here in Mirror World, eh?
You do not need to register or donate to participate. You also do not need Neopoints or items from the real Neopia in order to complete our missions.
Please do not Neomail prince_raptor asking for help. He cannot respond to everyone who asks for help.
You are not allowed to give out codes to other users, nor are you allowed to give users links to pages that have to be unlocked as you progress through the plot. This gives them an unfair advantage over other users who are trying to solve the plot on their own.
You are allowed to give hints, but only vague hints. If your hints are too specific, we will disqualify you from the contest.
You may work with your friends to complete missions, but you can only use one account to submit answers.
In order to comply with the current Neopets rules and regulations, we can no longer give out Neopoint prizes for completing contests in Mirror World.
All Defenders missions assigned on Mirror World can only be completed on Mirror World. Neopian locations and items are useless here.
More rules will be added prior to the release of any new missions.