Welcome to the main page for the Neopets Hive's Annual Easter Negg Hunt!

2004 Scores | 2005 Scores | 2006 Scores
2005 Locations | 2006 Locations
Easter Negg Hunt Main Page

    Every year the Neopets Hive hosts a special Easter Negg Hunt for visitors to our site. Top-scoring participants make it onto our High Scores Tables, and the top three each year get a very special trophy :)








To the best of our knowledge and abilities, this contest is in no way
a violation of the Neopets.com Terms and Conditions of Service.
Please contact us immediately if this is not that case.

None of the NP earned through this contest go towards the Neopets Hive.
100% of the donations, including 100,000 NP of our own, go to the participants.