Lost Desert

The Lost Desert Plot - The Puzzle

Home | War Opponents | The Puzzle | The Plot

For the first time in Neopian history, a major puzzle and war are set to occur at about the same time. Can you solve the puzzle and save Sakhmet City??? Perhaps you can, with a little help from us.

Quick Links
The Temple of 1,000 Tombs
| Toy Repair Shop | The Mysterious Tablet | The Fortune Teller

Puzzle Resources

The Puzzle

The first thing you need to do is visit the Fortune Teller. She gives you a hint that will help you proceed further in the plot.

"I see ancient pharaohs laid at rest."

Based on this clue, you should probably proceed to Pyramids, a popular Lost Desert card game. After playing the game and collecting your winnings, you will find a piece of parchment that looks something like this, although every user has a different one. This is a guide to help you proceed through the Temple of 1,000 Tombs.

Notice that one of the columns has a single dot above it. That's where you should begin. Look for a door with the appropriate shape (in this case, pentagon), symbol (in this case, teacup), and color (in this case, gold) in order to find a Dirty Stone Fragment.

If you really intend to complete the puzzle and earn the avatar, you'll need to map out your own specific temple, meaning you'll have to chart about 85 rooms, 291 doors, and an uncertain number of passages. We suggest creating a grid on a spare piece of paper or two. Put a number in each square, and every time you encounter a room, fill one square with the shape, color, and symbol of each door (we suggest putting an X wherever there's a passage). Put an arrow on one side or the other (or both) if that option is available, and if you've already mapped the location where one of the passages leads, but the number of that room under the appropriate door in the grid.

Something has happened!

This stone fragment sure is dirty. I wonder who could clean it?

You find a strange, broken piece of stone on the floor.
It seems to be dirty; what could it be for?

Take this fragment to the Toy Repair Shop and have the shopkeeper fix it for you. If he cannot, go back and get another Dirty Tablet Piece from the temple and try again. Once the tablet piece is repaired, you can insert it into your Mysterious Tablet (remember, every person's tablet is different).

Piece Two

Next you should return to the Fortune Teller. This time, her hint will lead you to Snow Wars I.

"I see debris on a frigid battlefield."

Complete a level (win or lose) and you'll receive a new piece of parchment (and maybe even a trophy for your user lookup)! Repeat the same process as you did with the last piece of parchment, except this time look for the door with the shape, color, and symbol located under two dots. Use this info to locate another Stone Tablet in the Temple..

Piece Three

"I see a rivalry of five."

Place a bet at Poogle Racing and feed a Poogle to receive your third parchment.

Piece Four

"I see fortunes cast upon the waters."

Catch something at the Fishing Cavern to receive parchment four.

Piece Five

"I see countless eyes."

Take a random guess at Potato Counter and you'll probably receive a little something for your troubles - your fifth piece of parchment.

Piece Six

"I see a great deal of fun."

Try spinning the Wheel of Mediocrity twice and you should receive your parchment.

Piece Seven

"I see a rule that must be broken."

Simply pull the Lever of Doom on the Virtupets Space Station and you'll receive your seventh piece of parchment.

Piece Eight

"Today's lottery number is: 9 6 8 9 2 3 5 0"
(every person has a different code)

Take this to Kreludan Mining Corp. on Kreludor for your eighth piece of parchment.

Piece Nine

"I see a tournament that rolled on."

This should lead you to the Krawk Cup area on Krawk Island. By visiting the Players page, you'll notice that one of the players is Prince Jazan. Click on his name to receive your ninth piece of parchment.

Piece Ten

"I see a Chia resting by a tree."

Well, you too can see a Chia resting by a tree if you take a Tiki Tour.

Piece Eleven

"I see you lost in the darkness."

This is a little more tedious that your previous missions, for you must now play a game of Fetch! in the Haunted Woods. First select EASY, then refresh on the following page until your master wants you to find a Faerie Dust. Find the Faerie Dust but don't find the exit in order to receive your eleventh piece of parchment.

Piece Twelve

"I see you giving into your dreams."

Try visiting the Wishing Well and asking for a Hieroglyph Fragment.

"You've found all the tablet pieces! Remarkable!" The fortune teller gazes into her crystal ball for a moment. "But what does it mean? These glyphs and their order mean nothing to me. I'm a fortune teller, not a professor of ancient languages! We must find some way to translate them. You can look at the Mysterious Tablet again if you like."

The Statue of Nuria

Once your Mysterious Tablet is complete, you will have to find the Statue of Nuria hidden somewhere inside the Temple of 1,000 Tombs... this can be very time consuming, especially if you haven't already mapped out your specific temple. Here's how this part of the puzzle works...

Every temple has a different inscription on the front consisting of two phrases. One indicated the shape of the door you're looking for, the other describes the color. Inside the temple are twelve doors which match that description, and every time you select the wrong door, you'll be locked out of the temple (or locked inside the temple) for an hour.



Window into the soul
Mouth of the river
A humble portal of stone
The aspect of a star
Thunderous clouds obscuring the sky
Banks of the mighty river
Kingdom of the lightgiver
Bright guardian of the night
Blinding radiance of the sun
The walking dawn on the dunes

In order to translate the Mysterious Tablet and learn of the prophecy you'll need to locate the hidden Hieroglyphs in chapters one, two, and three of the Lost Desert Plot. There are four in each chapters, and you'll need to click on them in the order in which they appear on your Mysterious Tablet in order to translate it.

Once you translate the tablet, you'll receive a cool new avatar and the prophecy. Take the prophecy to Nuria for a special (and, inevitably pointless) ending.

IPB Image


This guide was created by the Neopets Hive with assistance from JellyNeo.net, NeoNewsNow.com, the Neopian Commentary (The Meepit Files) and jibbles691.